more than art

“There’s a fear, it’s like a creative thing, like you might miss the next idea by just not being in the right place at the right time or being open to seeing the trends evolve. Culture moves at a crazy pace.” -Virgil Abloh

i love making art. i love standing on the edge of what is and what has yet to be. there is real magic in being able to explore the fringe with free expression. an artist creates visual, auditory, conceptual, or performance based works of expression primarily for personal or aesthetic purposes. while artists undoubtedly contribute to cultural dialogue and may even inspire shifts in societal perspective, their focus tends to center on individual creativity and the exploration of personal themes or ideas. an artist’s endeavors typically revolve around the creation of a body of work that encapsulates their perspective on the world. being an artist is a deeply gratifying journey and important work for anyone brave enough to do it.

i had an epiphany the other day. it shook me a bit honestly. i don’t think that identifies the breadth of my career interests. i would be terribly happy to spend the rest of my life just making my art, but at the end of the day that would be leaving a lot on the table for me and the impact i want to have on the world. i don’t want to wade on the fringes and sulk in my own perspective, i want to be standing right in the fucking middle, connecting and causing direct social and cultural change. all my heroes end up becoming creative directors, and now i set my sights on doing the same.

what does it even mean to be a creative director? the closer i get to understanding, the more i feel a new boundless energy creeping up my spine. stepping into the shoes of a creative director is akin to painting, but culture itself is the canvas. it’s about more than making art; its about orchestrating and leveraging ideas, influences, and narratives to shape the fabric of society. i’ve come to realize that being a creative director offers a broader scope for channeling my passions and directly impacting the world around me. its a beautiful fusion of artistry and strategy, where brand development and marketing tactics converges with the same ethos employed by artists to create transformative experiences and allow others to find identity. i don’t want to react to the culture, i want to grab it and twist it into something profound and beautiful.

i’m still going to make beautiful things, but now i’m creating within a more comprehensive context.


empty and silent


cory and zest